#11 Adding OVR Camera Rig to Your Unity Scene

#11 Adding OVR Camera Rig to Your Unity Scene


2 min read


Welcome to a quick and straightforward guide in our Beat Saber VR series! In this installment, we'll focus on a fundamental step: adding the OVR Camera Rig to your Unity scene. Let's dive right into the process.

Step 1: Import Oculus Integration Package:

  1. Download Oculus Integration from the Unity Asset Store.

  2. In Unity, navigate to Windows -> Package Manager -> Oculus Integration.

  3. Select the downloaded Oculus Integration package and import all components.

    Check this blog for a detailed explanation: https://akashrj.hashnode.dev/3-project-creation-and-oculus-integration

Step 2: Create OVR Camera Rig in Scene:

  1. Open Assets, Go to Oculus, and then VR.

  2. Go to Prefabs and you will see OVRCameraRig.

  3. Place the OVR Camera Rig in your scene by adjusting its position as needed.

Step 3: Test the SetUp in Quest 2 via Android build:

  1. Open File -> Build Settings.

  2. In the Player Settings, navigate to Android.

  3. Check your Quest 2 is visible in there.

  4. Click the switch platform button and then Build and Run.

Step 4: Optional Customization:

  1. Select the OVR Camera Rig in the Hierarchy.

  2. Customize settings in the Inspector window, such as tracking type or player controller.

  3. Adjust the PlayerController component's Initial Y Position to set the player's height if needed.


And there you have it! In just a few simple steps, you've successfully added the OVR Camera Rig to your Unity scene. This sets the stage for an immersive VR experience in the world of Beat Saber.

Happy Coding :)
