A Falsy value is a value that is considered false when encountered in a boolean context.
The following table provides a complete list of Javascript falsy values:
Value | Description |
false | keyword false |
0 | number 0, 0.0, 0*0, 0*n |
-0 | number -0, -0.0, -0*0 |
0n | BigInt |
"", '', `` | Empty string |
null | absence of any value |
undefined | primitive value |
NaN | not a number |
if (false){
//Not reachable
if (0 || -0){
//Not reachable
if (0n){
//Not reachable
if (""){
//Not reachable
if (null || undefined || NaN){
//Not reachable
A Truthy is a value that is considered true when encountered in boolean context. All values are true unless they are defined as false i.e., all values are truthy except falsey such as null, undefined, NaN, false, 0, -0, 0n, " ".
if (true){
// reachable
if (1 || 2){ // any number other that 0 and -0
// reachable
if ("0"){
// reachable
if ("false"){
// reachable
if (Infinity || -Infinity){
// reachable